Home Vocal Views Live What it looks like when you are INVITED and HIRED to a Vocal Views project.

What it looks like when you are INVITED and HIRED to a Vocal Views project.

Last updated on May 17, 2023

Vocal Peeps! Have you sat there and thought... Hmm, I'm not sure what it looks like when I get invited/hired to a project, and I'd like to know for future reference and what to keep an eye out for in my emails!! Well... This is for you! If a recruiter has contacted you to recruit you on to one of our studies. Shortly after, you will receive an invitation.

This will look like this. Please see below.

As you can see, this is NOT confirmation of participation. You will need to accept this invitation and follow the instructions above (Don't worry, our VV AI Bot is great and NOT an evil villain robot😉). Then, once that’s been approved, you will receive your confirmation email.

Navigate to live.vocalviews.com. Sign in with your login credentials.

You will see in the top right corner a bell-shaped icon. This is where your notifications are. Please click on that and you will see your invitation.

You will need to click in to this invitation and accept it.

Once this has been approved, you will be HIRED.

This will look like this. You will receive once again another notification stating this.

You will be able to click in to the project. From there, you can see this screen…

If you want to cancel your application, you can by pressing ‘Cancel Participation’.


If you want to see whether you’re hired or not, you can see by looking at ‘Your Status’. This is where you can see the application process.

As you can see, it says ‘Your status: Hired’. This is how you know you’re hired for this study and you can be paid with your money released through our Vocal Views Wallet.

Just in case you don’t believe us… Just move your cursor over the ‘HIRED’ part and this pop-up will show. ‘You have been hired to participate in the interview’.


Great! Now you know what it looks like to be invited to a study and also what it looks like when you’re hired to a study too!

If you have any further questions, please direct them to support@vocalviews.com.